Monday, July 22, 2013

As a first post late on a Monday night i cant expect much feedback or actual views but... To start i would like to convey the fact that this blog is the result of a long conversation between friends about the flaws in human nature and society, I am not a literary genius but i will do my best to give tangible ideas.

This conversation started with the problems we perceive in modern day school systems and how they lack an ethical, moral, and philosophical base. We believe that if we as a society could promote what we all see as morally right and ethically solid we could build a better generation from the ground up.

The next topic was the basis that if organized religion was completely non-existent the human race as a whole could come together easier without the possibility of conflict and closed mindedness. Clinging to an idea is not wrong or unintelligent but constricts the possibilities to expand ones understanding and destroys the opportunity to create better ideals and philosophy with the combination of ideas and perspectives.

We decided that being open minded would never be a hindrance to human development and progress, the lack of incoming and outgoing ideas creates a clog in the human character limiting every possibility to grow.

We discussed the fact that human compassion is one of the most unappreciated aspect of character and also the most useful. Consider the fact that if there was no compassion a single human being with a disability would be neglected and never given a chance to benefit themselves and their fellow man.